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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is Concessus Consulting a law firm?
    Good question! We’re not a law firm, but we are all lawyers. Or, to get technical: Admitted Attorneys of the High Court of South Africa. Sounds fancy, but it basically just means that we are really good at what we do. While we went through all the training and got numerous t-shirts, we’re not interested in litigation. Of course, we know the game, and we will be able to refer you to practising attorneys whom we trust, but we are just much more interested in the business side of things than we are in taking anyone to court. Our passion is bullet-proofing your company against the myriad of legal challenges that face anyone business owner, and help you negotiate any legal challenges you might already be facing with our unique brand of insight, compassion and excellence.
  • Why should I use Concessus?
    Because we're damn good at what we do, and we love working with business owners, managers, freelancers and startups like you. And if you heard something similar to that from every other company you looked into, here are three P things that make us stand out: PEOPLE. When working with Concessus Consulting you appoint a team, not just a single person. You will of course have one go-to-person, but you will also have access to the insight and unique excellence of every member of our team. We’re a group of lekker people who are good at and love what we do. You can learn more about each of our team members here. PRICES. If you have ever received an invoice from a traditional law firm, you’ll appreciate this one. We don’t charge per minute spent on your file or on a phone call. We don’t do silly admin charges, or pay for your coffee at a restaurant and then charge it to your bill at the end of the month. When it comes to fees, we believe in value for money, transparency and flexibility. On that note, we are more than happy to work out payment plans. PRACTICALITIES. We customise our services according to your needs. Do you need someone to come into your office once a week and form a part of your team? Done! Are you more of a Zoom meeting kind of person? Easy. We can work from wherever. You can appoint us on an ad hoc basis and only reach out when you need us, or you can purchase a retainer and have us as your in-house consultants for as long as you need.
  • What does Concessus actually do?
    Hah! Just because we don't spend much time battling in court, it doesn't mean we're not up to our eyeballs working to keep your business rocking along. We DRAFT – a lot. Internal documents like MOIs and Shareholders’ Agreements, things that your clients will see like Service Agreements, Terms of Use or your Privacy Policy. Basically, anything you can think of. It’s not only our job to draft a certain document, but also to know what type of document it is that you need in the first place. We REVIEW – basically everything. Before you sign anything on behalf of your business, it’s always a good idea to have one of us look it over to make sure that you aren’t signing your life, wife or inheritance away without it really being necessary. We ADVISE – and we love it. It’s our job to tell you how to execute your big plans in ways that make sense from a legal and business perspective. We’ll also help you to minimise risks along the way and guide you through them when problems do pop up. We LIAISE – because we love people and we’re not afraid to admit that we don’t always know everything about everything. Building valuable relationships with others to better serve our clients is something that is really important to us. Naturally, you don’t have to worry about it costing you double in the end. It’s simply not our style. We WORK OUR MAGIC WITH PEOPLE – because sometimes all you need is an ear to bounce off an idea, or someone to tell you that there really is no need to worry.
  • How do your fees work? Can you send me a price list?
    Because Concessus Consulting isn’t a traditional law firm, we are in the position to work out fee structures that aren’t traditional. We want our clients to pay for an outcome, instead of hours clocked, minutes spent on phone calls or ridiculous fees for opening files. What are postages and pennies anyway? So can you see a price list? No, not really. But it’s definitely not because we aren’t transparent. Because every client has different needs, and because we certainly do not just paste your particulars into a standardised template, we can't provide a menu of every service we offer or every document that we can draft. We craft specific solutions for each client, and we also we also offer a retainer option. Please do reach out to us; we should be able to provide you with an obligation free quote after having our first free consultation.
  • Can you assist me with a service you don't offer?
    One of our core values is collaboration, and as such have developed a network of reliable professionals in their respective fields. If you need something related to your business, there is a good chance we know someone who can help you get it done. You can see some of our partners here, but if what you need isn't listed feel free to get in touch. If we know someone we trust to do an excellent job, we'll help you get connected. Just to be clear though, we probably aren't the best people to contact about organising your child's birthday party.
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